Secret RF Microneedling

Person receiving microneedling treatment

As people age, one of the most common issues they face is a loss of youthful elasticity and tone in their skin. Fine lines, wrinkles, and a dull complexion can all result from this natural process, but external factors can exacerbate the problem. Excessive sun exposure, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle habits, and stress can all contribute to these issues and make it harder for individuals to restore their skin’s health independently. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help combat these effects. One of the most promising options is Secret RF microneedling.

Rejuvenate Your Skin With Secret RF Microneedling at NAWI in Naples, FL

NAWI is committed to bringing you the best in cutting-edge cosmetic treatments. Our Secret RF microneedling treatment is a transformative and rejuvenating option for revitalizing your skin. This innovative treatment utilizes advanced technology to stimulate collagen production, resulting in a more youthful and radiant complexion. We will guide you through the process, ensuring you receive the highest care.

Secret RF microneedling allows for precise thermal energy delivery to the skin’s deepest layers, stimulating collagen production and reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. We are devoted to providing the highest quality of care and will work with you to determine the most effective treatment plan for your individual needs.

What Is Secret RF Microneedling?

Secret RF microneedling is a novel approach to deliver small amounts of radio frequency (RF) energy to all layers of the skin with minimal damage to the skin’s surface. The multi-layered treatment is tailored to each individual and addresses their unique skin concerns.

Microneedling treatment involves the use of a handheld device equipped with ultra-fine needles. These needles create controlled micro-injuries in the skin’s surface, triggering the body’s natural healing process. As the skin heals, it produces fresh collagen and elastin, essential components for maintaining firmness and elasticity. RF energy is also delivered deep into the dermal layers during the treatment, further stimulating collagen and elastin production for more comprehensive skin tightening and rejuvenation.

Microneedling Benefits

Microneedling Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Microneedling Stimulates Collagen Production

Microneedling also stimulates collagen production, which helps further to improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to wrinkles and other signs of aging. By stimulating collagen production with Secret RF, you can help your skin look younger and healthier for longer.

Microneedling Reduces Pore Size

Enlarged pores can be a source of frustration, but microneedling can help tighten pores, creating a more refined and even skin surface.

Microneedling is Non-Invasive

One of the main benefits of microneedling is that it is non-invasive. This treatment requires no incisions or downtime. This is an ideal option for those who want to reduce signs of aging without taking time off from work or other activities.

Minimal Discomfort with Microneedling

Microneedling treatments are also associated with minimal discomfort; most patients report feeling only mild warmth during their sessions, which dissipates quickly after the treatment is complete. Secret RF is an excellent option for those who want to reduce wrinkles but don’t want to deal with pain or discomfort associated with more invasive treatments such as lasers or surgery.

Microneedling Results Last Longer

The results from Secret RF microneedling treatments last longer than many other wrinkle reduction treatments; most patients report seeing noticeable improvements that last up to 12 months after their initial treatment session! This makes it an ideal choice for those looking for long-lasting anti-aging results without committing to multiple sessions over time.

Microneedling Treatments are Customizable

One of the best features of Secret RF microneedling is its customizable treatments, depending on your individual needs and desired outcomes. We can adjust settings on the device so that you get exactly what you need out of each session.

Gradual Improvement after Microneedling

After undergoing the Secret RF microneedling treatment, it may take some time to see the full benefits as it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the deeper layers of the skin. Although there may be some visible improvements, like reduced redness and smoother texture, right after the treatment, the ultimate benefits may take a few weeks or even months to fully manifest.

Microneedling is Versatile

This procedure can be applied to various body parts, including the face, neck, décolletage, hands, and more.

Before and After Photo
Before and After Microneedling Treatment
Before and After Photo
Before and 4 weeks After MicroNeedling Treatment

Secret RF Microneedling Video

Frequently Asked Questions About Secret RF Microneedling

What Skin Conditions Does Secret RF Microneedling Address?

The Secret RF microneedling treatment is ideal for improving aging skin, photodamage, fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, scars, including acne, and overall skin quality. The treatment is safe and effective and is suitable for all skin types.

How Does a Secret RF Microneedling Treatment Work?

Secret RF microneedling uses microneedles to deliver radio frequency energy into varying levels of the skin including the deeper layers where treatment is most beneficial. Unlike other devices that only deposit energy in the upper layer of the skin, Secret RF microneedling delivers RF energy below the surface where it’s needed most to help revitalize and regenerate the tissue. This unique delivery of energy allows us to achieve optimal results with little to no downtime on all skin types.

Does The Secret RF Microneedling Treatment Cause Any Pain?

During the treatment, you will feel slight heating and some pressure on the treatment area. Prior to the treatment, the NAWI staff will apply a numbing cream to the treatment area to increase comfort. If additional comfort is desired, Dr. Dean will address your specific needs.

What Can I Expect After a Secret RF Microneedling Treatment?

After the treatment, you can immediately return to normal activities. An ointment will be applied to your skin, and you will be asked to refrain from wearing makeup for several hours. Any minor redness or swelling resulting from treatment will subside within 12-24 hours.

How Many Secret RF Microneedling Treatments Will I Need?

Patients typically need 3-4 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. Most patients report seeing improvement after the second treatment. Full results typically occur about 3 months after the last treatment.

Is There Any Preparation Required Before the Treatment?

We will guide you through pre-treatment instructions, which may include avoiding certain skincare products and treatments in the days leading up to the session.

Can I Combine Secret RF Microneedling With Other Treatments?

Secret RF microneedling can be combined with other cosmetic treatments like dermal fillers or laser treatments to enhance and personalize your skin rejuvenation journey.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Secret RF Microneedling?

Secret RF microneedling is a versatile treatment suitable for men and women seeking to address concerns like fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and overall skin texture and tone. However, pregnant women, individuals with certain skin conditions or infections, or those with certain medical conditions may not be eligible for the treatment. A consultation with us will help determine if this treatment aligns with your skincare goals. If you have any other questions or need further information about Secret RF microneedling, don’t hesitate to contact us. Make your appointment today!!