Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation – What is it?

NAWI is proud to offer the Juliet Laser: a new, revolutionary, 20-minute, life changing device that will reduce urinary incontinence and heighten the quality of your sex life.

The entire process is safe, non-invasive, discreet, effective, with minimal to no discomfort for you. After the treatments, you will be able walk right out on your way to a more youthful version of yourself.

Benefits of the Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment

There are several benefits of this treatment:

Prevents, improves or eliminates mild to moderate stress incontinence which involves the leakage of urine when sneezing, coughing, laughing or engaging in physical activity.

Increased lubrication and sensitivity and decreased discomfort during intercourse, thus improving sexual experience and improved overall quality of sex life with minimal downtime.

Increased inner vaginal firmness, texture and tone. Labial tightening.

Improves cosmetic appearance of labia, vulva and vagina.

Impacts of Age on the Vagina

The vagina, like other parts of the body, undergoes changes with age. These changes can be influenced by various factors, including hormonal fluctuations, childbirth, and overall health. Here are some common impacts of age on the vagina:

Decreased Elasticity and Lubrication

As women age, there tends to be a decrease in estrogen levels, especially during and after menopause. This decline can lead to a reduction in vaginal elasticity and lubrication. The vaginal walls may become thinner and less flexible, potentially resulting in discomfort or pain during sexual activity.

Vaginal Dryness

Reduced estrogen levels can contribute to vaginal dryness. This can lead to discomfort, itching, and increased vulnerability to irritation or infection. Using lubricants or moisturizers may help alleviate symptoms.

Vaginal Laxity:

Childbirth, especially multiple births, can impact the tone and tightness of the vaginal muscles. Over time, this may contribute to a sense of vaginal laxity or looseness.

Pelvic Floor Changes

Aging can affect the pelvic floor muscles, which support the pelvic organs, including the uterus, bladder, and rectum. Weakening of these muscles may contribute to issues such as urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse.

Changes in Sensation

Some women may experience changes in sexual sensation with age. This can be influenced by hormonal changes, reduced blood flow to the genital area, or other factors.

Risk of Atrophy

Vaginal atrophy is a condition characterized by inflammation, thinning, and drying of the vaginal walls due to decreased estrogen levels. It can result in discomfort, pain during intercourse, and an increased risk of urinary tract infections.

Vaginal Rejuvenation is very Effective

Listen to one of our clients in the video below to learn about her experience.

Here is also a link to a video of the treatment process.

Make an Appointment Today!

Schedule a no-obligation consultation to learn more about Vaginal Rejuvenation and whether it’s right for you.