NAWI Special Offers & Events

NAWI Special Offers for April - New Product Introductions

VIpeel Chemical Peel is being introduced at NAWI

This is a new technology that will transform your skin. VIPeel was the 2022 winner of the Cosmopolitan Magazine Holy Grail of Beauty Award. Find out more about VIPeel by clicking here. (offer details below)

Jeaveau Injectable is also being introduced at NAWI

Jeaveau is called the ‘new Botox’. While Jeuveau has many similarities with Botox, there are key characteristics that make this injection stand apart from other botulinum toxin injections. Jeuveau is a better fit for certain types of facial wrinkles compared to Botox. It’s also considered to be a better option for the treatment of glabellar lines, also known as frown lines, which are the vertical lines that appear between the eyebrows when someone frowns. Find out more about Jeaveau by clicking here. (offer details below)

Schedule an appointment at NAWI today to take advantage of these special offers!!

Call us at 239-202-0441 or click here for an online appointment.

NAWI April 2024 Special Offer

NAWI Special Offers and Events are listed on this page as limited time offers.

If you have any questions about the offers or events, please contact NAWI by phone at 239-202-0441, or by email at