Personal Wellness

Personal wellness is a dynamic and individualized journey. It involves making conscious choices that support a balanced and fulfilling life. Regular self-assessment, goal-setting, and adapting to changing circumstances are essential components of maintaining personal wellness over time.

The NAWI Wellness Center offers two Personal Wellness treatments to help you enhance your journey. The first is called, Hormone Replacement Therapy. This therapy is ideal for men and women over 40 and can dramatically enhance your personal wellness. The second is called, Vaginal Rejuvenation. This is a treatment for women over 50, but it especially benefits those women who have had children and who may be experiencing urinary incontinence. Vaginal Rejuvenation can provide many Personal Wellness benefits.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Has Many benefits

NAWI Wellness Center specializes in bringing back youthful levels of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.  Balancing hormones through hormone replacement therapy can improve stamina, increase libido, eliminate “brain fog” and can decrease or eliminate moodiness, hot flashes and night sweats. Dr Edwin Dean is one of the first and is the most experienced hormone replacement therapy doctors in Naples, FL. A thorough evaluation and consultation helps clarify the numerous health benefits and will dispel many of the possible misconceptions of hormone therapy. 

Learn More about how Hormone Replacement Therapy can enhance your personal wellness.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment to enhance your overall quality of life

Vaginal rejuvenation has gained popularity in recent years, not only for its aesthetic benefits, but also for its potential to enhance overall quality of life and provide a better sexual experience.

Vaginal rejuvenation, also known as vaginal revitalization or vaginal tightening, is a non-surgical procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance and function of the vaginal area. Treatment is designed to address various concerns, including laxity, dryness, urinary incontinence, and diminished sexual satisfaction. This treatment uses advanced laser technology to stimulate collagen production, improve blood flow, and restore elasticity to the vaginal tissues. A consultation with Dr. Dean will help you determine whether this treatment is correct for your unique needs.

Learn More about how Vaginal Rejuvenation can enhance your personal wellness.

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